Friday, June 5, 2009

Merced River Canyon Recreationists Opinion Needed for Environmental Document

Today’s Date: June 4, 2009
District: 10 - Stockton
Contact: Lisa Balcom
Phone: (209) 941-6562


Merced River Canyon Recreationists Opinion
Needed for Environmental Document

Merced – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) wants ongoing input from Merced River recreationists (fishermen, campers, boaters, and hikers) about the alternatives being considered for the permanent restoration of State Route 140 (SR-140) at the Ferguson Rock Slide.

The survey will provide Caltrans with information and perceptions about the bridge and tunnel alternatives being considered for the restoration of SR-140. Surveys are available at the Mariposa County Library or by request via email at Caltrans is currently preparing an environmental document for the restoration project and will use the collected information as part of the document.

The Ferguson Rock Slide occurred in April of 2006 forcing the closure of SR-140. A one-lane two bridge temporary bypass was installed to span the river allowing traffic to bypass the slide area. A permanent design solution will allow uninhibited traffic to flow along the corridor.


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