Crews reopened the section of SR-120 at noon, on Friday, September 6, 2013. The state route has been closed since Monday, August 19, 2013, due to the Rim Fire.
Since the fire, Caltrans crews have been working 12-14 hour shifts removing fire damaged trees, repairing guardrail posts and replacing numerous signs. Caltrans has replaced nearly 1,000 burned out guardrail posts, and removed over 1,800 trees (that were in imminent danger of falling on or near the road), 47 signs, over 250 reflectors/guide markers and other essential highway markings. Caltrans crews are still working on SR-120 so please slow for the cone zone and move over for emergency and Caltrans vehicles with flashing lights.
Motorists have full access to Yosemite Valley via SR-120. However, due to continued fire activity in the area stopping along the roadway is strictly prohibited. The public is advised to use extreme caution as firefighting activities continue in this area.
The Big Oak Flat Road in Yosemite National Park is also open. However, Cherry Lake Road, Evergreen Road, Old Yosemite Road, Harden Flat and all other secondary roads and trailheads off of SR-120 remain closed.
SR-120 (Tioga Road) remains closed from Crane Flat to White Wolf within Yosemite National Park. Park visitors can access the Tuolumne Meadows area from SR-395 via the parks east entrance at Tioga Pass.
Forest closures remain in effect for the Stanislaus National Forest within the Rim Fire incident perimeter. For closure information visit
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