Monday, July 21, 2008

Notice of Intent for the SR-99/South Stockton Widening Project

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in coordination with FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) the City of Stockton, San Joaquin County and the San Joaquin County Council of Governments, is proposing to widen State Route 99 from four to six lanes with improvements to interchanges and local streets in San Joaquin County between the Arch Road Interchange and the State Route 4 (Crosstown Freeway) Interchange.

A project-level conformity analysis shows that the project will conform with the State Implementation Plan, including the localized impact analysis for Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Paarticulate Matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5) as required by 40 CFR 93.116 and 93.123. For more information and to comment on these findings please view the public notice on the District 10 website at or by visiting

1 comment:

chan said...

Is there a lot of congestion on a daily basis driving south from Stockton toward Stanislaus county? What speeds are usually expected if you are driving? Would it be quicker, in the opinion of someone driving to an appointment, to drive to Sacramento from Stockton or to the county line of Stanislaus, via SR-99? Just curious...